Experiencing issues?
If users have questions or need help, they can ask Rita - Littera's digital assistant (Help Widget)!
To use this feature:
- Sign into the platform.
- Click on the chat icon in the lower right corner.
- Choose your role and ask away!
- Click on the icon again to close the chat window.
For additional support, check out the topics below.
Signing in
- Confirm that you are accessing the login page by going to app.litteraeducation.com
and choosing the appropriate option:- Students: Click I'm a Student
- Adults: Click Sign In as Another Role
- Make sure you're logging in properly. Depending on your district or organization’s setup, you may log in using your social account, or using your Littera credentials.
- Make sure there aren't any extra spaces and that all letters are properly capitalized.
Virtual session issues (troubleshooting steps)
If tutors and/or students are experiencing technical issues in the virtual classroom, please see the following steps below. A video has also been shared to demonstrate a few helpful steps.
- Please ensure that your computer operating system and browser have both been updated to their latest version.
- Use this link to run through a quick test to ensure your device is ready for the Littera virtual classroom. (https://app.chime.aws/check)
- Periodically having several programs or websites open on a device can affect device performance in the virtual classroom. If possible, it may be helpful for tutors and students to kindly quit any programs, apps or websites that are not needed during the session period.
- Please try checking if browser access to the Camera and Microphone have been enabled as shown in the screenshot below. You can select the Reset Permissions button to help reset your browser permissions if needed.
- If you are having audio issues and using headphones, please try unplugging or disconnecting your headphones from the computer device to see if sound is coming through your computer speakers as normal. This helps to determine if the issue is isolated to the headphones being used.
Please ensure that your Camera and Microphone within the Littera Virtual Classroom is toggled ON.
Please be sure to check your Microphone, Camera and/or Speaker settings in the virtual classroom to ensure the correct output device is selected. Click the small arrow icon as indicated in the picture below to ensure the appropriate device is selected.
Note: If a tutor or student is using a headset with a microphone, please be sure that the headset has been selected. (When your Microphone is enabled properly, users in the virtual classroom will be able to hear you. When your Speaker is enabled properly, you will be able to hear users in the virtual classroom.
- From the virtual classroom, click More Tools and choose Connection Refresh.
- If using special browser extensions, please try turning these programs off to see if it helps to mitigate any browser related issues or errors that might occur during a virtual classroom session.
- For example, a user can choose the "Reset settings" option within their Chrome browser settings to help with disabling browser extensions, as well as clearing temporary browser site data.
- Please navigate to this URL chrome://settings/reset by copying and pasting the link provided into the URL bar at the top of your browser page. (Note: This will not remove any saved information such as passwords, bookmarks or past accessed sites in your history. However if you have customized settings in Chrome, these may revert/reset.
- Please navigate to this URL chrome://settings/reset by copying and pasting the link provided into the URL bar at the top of your browser page. (Note: This will not remove any saved information such as passwords, bookmarks or past accessed sites in your history. However if you have customized settings in Chrome, these may revert/reset.
- For example, a user can choose the "Reset settings" option within their Chrome browser settings to help with disabling browser extensions, as well as clearing temporary browser site data.
- If you receive a message while in the virtual classroom, (as shown in the video example below), that your screensize is too small, you can increase your screensize by going to your browser settings, locating the Zoom options, and clicking the minus [-] key to zoom out until the error is removed. (Video Tip: Click the squared icon towards the bottom right corner of the video to view in Full screen mode. Click the icon again to exit Full screen mode.)
(Keyboard Shortcut: Hold the control [CTRL] key or the command [CMD] key while clicking the minus [ - ] key to zoom out until the error message disappears.)
- As a last resort if technical issues persist and the above steps are not helpful, the user can restart their device. (Note: When restarting the device within the allotted time during the session, prior to the scheduled end time, the users should be able to re-enter the virtual classroom session.)
- Kind Suggestion: If the issue is on the tutor's end, the tutor can kindly let their students know the steps they are taking to help resolve their technical issue, and that they will be re-joining the session as soon as their computer re-boots. Students should not close the browser tab and can remain signed into Littera until the tutor returns. (Note: When a tutor refreshes or briefly leaves the virtual classroom, the students will immediately see the following screen until the tutor rejoins the session.
- Kind Suggestion: If the issue is on the tutor's end, the tutor can kindly let their students know the steps they are taking to help resolve their technical issue, and that they will be re-joining the session as soon as their computer re-boots. Students should not close the browser tab and can remain signed into Littera until the tutor returns. (Note: When a tutor refreshes or briefly leaves the virtual classroom, the students will immediately see the following screen until the tutor rejoins the session.
Note: Tutors and/or students can click here for more information & additional troubleshooting steps. This link provides more details as it relates to minimum device requirements and steps to help mitigate connectivity/device issues.
Contact your school or organization
- Teachers, students, and families can reach out to their school or learning center for additional assistance.
Contact Littera Support
- School or organizational staff can reach out to Support via email or Zendesk.
- Some users such as parents and students will not have Zendesk credentials due to privacy reasons. Please contact your school or learning center for further assistance. A school contact can then reach out to Littera on your behalf.
- When contacting Support, it’s helpful to provide the following details:
- Please describe in detail, the technical issue that you or another user is experiencing.
- Name of the user experiencing a technical issue and their role in the platform.
- If reporting an issue related to a student, please include the first initial and last name for secure purposes.
- Device and browser information.
- Day and time of the session(s), if applicable.
- For visibility, please share a full browser screenshot(including all 4 corners of the computer screen), and/or a video of the issue, along with a brief description. If the file is too large to attach, insert a link to it.
- A full browser screenshot should include the following, (date/time shown on the device, URL link, and/or any error messages appearing on the page).
Note: Here’s some information on taking screenshots/videos from Chrome, Mac, or on a Chromebook.
- A full browser screenshot should include the following, (date/time shown on the device, URL link, and/or any error messages appearing on the page).